

Colour Sorters

Colour sorting is an innovative and energy-efficient process designed to optically sort various bulk materials from impurities which are hard to separate. The sorting is based on the visual properties of the product…


Magnetic Separators

Protech offers ground-breaking magnetic solutions to a broad range of industries facing detection and separation problems. Protech provides you with services such as the removal of tramp iron…


Metal Detectors

Metals detectors are important guarantors for the quality of raw materials and final products in the fields of food, feed, plastics, chemicals etc.  Both ferrous and non-ferrous metals can be detected and separated…


Grain Processing

“Melinvest” Open Joint Stock Company is a multifaceted manufacturing company serving Grain, Food and Feed Industries.  The company is located in the Central European part of Russia in the city of Nizhny Novgorod…

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