Learn about CSort Colour Sorting

24 August 18

The company has been developing its own colour sorters since 2007.


Thanks to using the most advanced Russian scientific developments, CSort’s equipment stands out not only for its quality, but for its energy efficiency.  This provides a means to save money and significantly reduce the strain on the environment.  At the client’s request, the company’s equipment can control the machinery remotely, regardless of where the colour sorter is located in the world.


The company has put roughly five hundred machines into operation .  They are installed at large manufacturing concerns.  CSort’s equipment provides the ability to sort practically all types of bulk products by color.  In 2015, CSort released the third-generation colour sorter SMARTsort, created specially for the European market.


CSort’s factory is located in Russia.  CSort is a family business which is managed by the Savinkovy brothers.  One is responsible for developing and manufacturing new colour sorters, while the other is responsible for sales.


The main principle that CSort’s friendly team works by is maximum attentiveness to the customer.  Our leading experts develop equipment to suit individual customers’ requirements, organize deliveries on time, and configure and test equipment.  They are also available for the customer to contact throughout the entire operational lifespan of the equipment.


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